As I sit here and type, I can't help but wonder where the past five weeks have gone. Since Breckan came into our lives, we have been strictly focused on him and now as I look back, it has gone by so fast. My little boy is growing everyday, and I have never been more in love in my life. I can't help but stare at this little boy that was made from ME and my husband. HOW COOL!
I am breastfeeding, and that was very difficult at the start. I wondered if my boobs will EVER feel like they used to, because WOW it was painful. At about three weeks I finally felt relief, and now it has been easy as pie. I even have a little stash built up from pumping. We are planning to introduce the bottle next week and see how it goes. He needs to get used to eating from Daddy, because he will be feeding him when I am at work. It should be interesting!
5 weeks old in his GroBaby diaper! |
Cloth diapering is a lot easier than I thought it would be too. I knew that it might be a pain in the butt to wash them all the time, but it is definitely more convenient, and a lot softer on his bum. When Breckan was in the disposable diapers for the first two weeks, since his umbilical cord hadn't fallen off, he had a red bum at all times. Now, he is as fresh as a cucumber with his cute little clothies!!! I have decided to switch to cloth wipes as well, because it seems like it would be more convenient - only one pail, instead of two.
The first two weeks, all Breckan would do is eat, sleep and poop/pee. Now he is more alert, and stays up much more. It is so neat to see him explore the world around him. His favorite thing to watch is the fan moving around! I always see him looking up in awe. It is amazing that something so simple could keep him entertained. If only we all were entertained by such things!
My little boy is everything that I imagined he would be and more. He is such a cute little monkey boy, and I am looking forward to all the fun times we will have together. We love going on walks, and he loves the car. Every time we go for a walk, or go in the car, he passes out! It must be the movement.
I never knew I could function off of such little sleep! But, Breckan is worth it. Some days are good, some are bad, but I cannot WAIT for the day that he sleeps through the night. What a relief that would be! It should be interesting going back to work and having such little amount of sleep...but hey, women did it before me, right?!
Until next time,