Although delayed, I didn't want to miss out in documenting our trip to NC. After all, it was fun! At the end of May, we had planned to head to Boone, NC (Mark and I's old college town) with Breckan. We were so looking forward to showing him around the place where his Dad and Mom fell in love. So on we went in the middle of the night, driving in the dark for 12 hours so Breckan could sleep the entire way. I can only imagine the horror we would have ensued if we decided to travel through the day with Breckan instead. I don't think he would like being stuck in a car seat for 12 hours, especially since he had crawling down to a science by then. The travel was great, and we arrived in beautiful Boone by 6am the following morning.
Luckily, we stayed at the cabin where I spent my last semester of college, which is also the cabin that Mark's parents and grandparents own. Let's just say, the scenery is gorgeous and it is so peaceful out there! I have so many memories when I walk into this place! It was surreal to think that my time up there was
almost 5 years ago. And to think....I am now married and have a baby too!
That day we pretty much relaxed. We also took a small ride on the 4-wheeler around the huge property beyond ours, with Breckan riding along in the
Ergo Carrier! He fell asleep on the ride.
The following day, we decided to hike out to table rock and also camp that night. Let me tell you, to hike with a baby on your back is serious business. I got such a workout! Although the forecast called for rain, Mark and I were scoffing at the weather men thinking, "what rain?!!" The scenery was beautiful as always, as it overlooked babble tower area (where Mark and I have hiked in the past). Once we settled down at the campground, got our tent set up, fire started, etc., Breckan fell asleep in the hammock with his Daddy and we moved him to the tent for the rest of his nap so we could get dinner started. We made some amazing steaks, carrots and asparagus and potatoes and MMM MMM was it all good. And then....the THUNDER came. Oh boy. We kept saying to each other, "Should we pack up and go? Or wait it out?" Then the thunder started getting started getting darker and clouds started rolling in. Then the first drops of rain. Once we felt that drizzle, we had a feeling that this would be one awful night if we didn't make a quick hike back out. The thunder and lighting was creeping up on us and that is no situation you want to be in. So we quickly packed up and by the time we were finished it was pouring. We hiked back out, with Breckan crying the whole way, getting soaked! He was a super trooper though and we made it back in one piece. PHEW. That lighting was making even Mark's neck hairs stand up! In the end, we had a nice hike and a great dinner out of it and we came to the conclusion that camping with a crawling baby is quite difficult! (He was trying to eat dirt the entire time).
In the Hammock at our campsite at table rock - dirty boy! |
Hebron Rock Colony! |
The following day we decided to take a hike through hebron rock colony. This was my place to take people when they came and visited Boone. You jump a bunch of rocks to get to the top of the stream and the scenery is gorgeous. I hiked in with Breckan on my back in the ergo and it was a much more comfortable trip than the hiking to table rock! The
Ergo is the best thing ever. We ran into an old teammate of mine, Charissa and her family. It was wonderful to see her and catch up with each other. I was amazed that the place that was desolate when I was in college is now the ole watering hole for all the college students. It seemed like everyone was there that day. I don't blame them...but now it isn't as much of a secret! To top off the day, we had dinner at my favorite restaurant,
Cafe Portofino. MMMM!
Snake Pit Family photo |
Another hike was on the docket for the following day. We drove to snake pit which is basically a stream where people can lay out and float around in the water. Mark, Breckan and I popped a seat on a nearby rock and relaxed the day away. That was, until Mark lost his wedding ring. Yep you heard it right. He took a dip into the cold stream water and apparently his fingers shrunk a little too much and while he was climbing out of the water his ring popped off. Luckily, with a trip to walmart and a lot of very helpful people, Mark was able to find his ring! PHEW what a relief...that would have turned our day upside down!
Cutey Boy at Snake Pit |
Sprinkled throughout our trip we were able to check out all our favorite local restaurants like
Black Cat and
Macado's, walk through the town, and show Breckan what Boone was all about. Overall, our trip was a success and we were home a week later with big smiles on our faces!