Stats: Breckan was born August 16, 2010 at 10:04 pm, 7lb 5oz, 19.25 inches, 9/9 on apgar.
Seeing my son for the first time. |
Our family of three. |
My water partially broke on Monday morning at around 7:30. I went in to see the midwife at about 9:30 and I was only 2cm, 90% effaced. She instructed me to come into the hospital at about 1:30 pm. We arrived at the hospital, and when I was checked at about 3pm I was still 2 cm but 100% effaced. Labor wasn't progressing fast enough. They suggested pitocin, which I freaked out about, because I heard about the devil juice making contractions right on top of each other. My midwife said to wait an hour, and if I still hadn't progressed she would start it. An hour later, sure enough, I wasn't progressing so I was given pitocin. It wasn't very high of a dose, even at the end, but at one point they were very close together and my midwife noticed, so she turned it down. Pitocin was started at 4pm. Contractions kicked up, and it was intense, but I kept myself going by rocking back and forth and picturing peaceful places and riding the contractions like waves, trying not to tense up. All went well, and besides pitocin I was able to deliver without pain medications! I felt this intense urge to push, the midwife checked me, and I was 7cm but she said that I probably had a few more contractions and I would be at 10. Sure enough 10 minutes later, I was at 10 and she said, "push whenever you feel the urge. If you feel a burning sensation, take a few breaths...that is your skin stretching" So I was pushing whenever i felt the urge and WOW was it a relief! I had no "ring of fire" exactly, I just felt the small tear at the top, not the bottom, 1st degree, about 3 stitches. It doesn't hurt to pee though, its just a little uncomfortable. My husband was able to help out the shoulders and I was able to grab him out of me after 30 minutes of pushing. It was so amazing! I wouldn't have done it any other way!

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