Breckan has started solids as of his 4 Month birthday. We have introduced Bananas, Oatmeal, Carrots, Squash and Apples. The more research I have done, the more I realize that Organic is the way to go. I cannot believe how many things are sprayed on our stuff, and injected into our meats. I'm a little scared to think of all the hormones I have injested from the milk and meat I have been eating.
In all fairness, I don't plan on going all organic/hormone free. It is not in my budget and it isn't reasonable for me, considering all the food we eat when we go out! However, I am watching more carefully now, and I have decided to purchase as much as I can organically as my budget will allow. Therefore, I am making my own baby food for Breckan, all from organic fruits and veggies. (YUM!) I don't know about you, but there is an "aura" about Whole Foods, or a grocer of the like. I feel so much more "down to my roots" and natural just walking into the place!
We purchased the Beaba BabyCook Steamer and Puree-er from Babies R Us for the quick cook jobs for Breckan's food. My old boss, Teresa, used this for her son and she raved about it. Currently, I am making large amounts of food and freezing it, so the BabyCook is too small for those jobs. However, I have a feeling I will be using this more often when he gets older and I can make him a day to day menu. It is the coolest thing! You can place your fruits or veggies in there, steam them, and once they are done you can puree those same veggies in the same container as you steamed. Pretty nifty if you ask me!
Super Saturday Coupon
9 years ago
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