Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time is a Funny Thing.

We always tend count down the days until a certain "big event." I catch myself saying at times, "I can't wait until Breckan..." However, once you get there, you tend to look back and wish you embraced those moments missed by the over consumption of the countdown itself. So as I sit here, I wish for those moments; those little moments when Breckan was able to be held in one arm, where I was up 3 times a night, where our child still did not know that he was his own person and was not connected to his Mommy anymore. When my Mom told me "This too shall pass" I thought it never would. I thought I would forever be waking up in the middle of the night, forever be nursing around the clock. But now it is no longer this way. In a blink of an eye, my little 7lb 5oz baby is now a walking, talking, opinionated toddler. Even though I miss those early days, I am so proud of him and so amazed at his growth mentally and physically. I still think, "We created this little, beautiful life!"

This weekend, we put the infant carseat,  bottles and all the clothing that Breckan quickly grew out of in the attic. It was bittersweet. We are moving on to a new stage in our child's life, but we will never forget the late nights and the first sight of our little boy. Mark brought me to reality when he said, "We took him home in that carseat." Um... TEAR! Time goes by way too fast. Time is a funny thing.

Reading 11/15/11
So now, I am sure for those who are actually spending the time to read this, are wondering how time has allowed our little boy to blossom into that toddler.  I might miss some things here and there because there is so much he has learned, so don't quote me! Here it goes...

All-Done, Milk, More, Bird, Fish, Juice

Dada, Bird, Ball, Wrigley (Ghee) - Our Dog, Dude - Our Cat, Dog, Juice, Cheese, Shoes, Cracker, Cookie, Hot (Haaa), Bubbles, Balloon, Uh-Oh, Boom, Kiss, Cat

Touches his nose and belly when asked
We ask him "How Big" and then he puts his arms up and we say, "Soooo Big!"
Claps his hands
Waves bye and hi
Gives kisses and hugs
He's a Dancing Bandit
When a car goes by or he is on a thing that moves, he says brooooom
He really is starting to understand us now. When I tell him lets go take a bath, he walks into the bathroom and wants to crawl in! It is so awesome to see comprehension.

And I'll close with one more accomplishment: He can climb up a small ladder to go down by himself on his slide. (And of course sign more to go again, and drink from his straw) Check out the video below!

Until next time,

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