I must live in a great neighborhood...NOT. But seriously...I really thought I lived in a nice part of town. But what happens if you accidentally leave your car unlocked over night? You are out a brand new iPod touch, digital camera, leathermans knife, change, fireman badges, old ID with DL #, and a bunch of membership reward cards.
Yes, I know. My husband shouldn't have left the door unlocked. But where I grew up, even if we accidentally left the garage door open at night, nothing would happen. I guess this is what happens when you live in South Florida. I feel so unsafe...to think that someone was robbing our car while we were sleeping makes me sick to my stomach.
Sad thing about it is this: the cops will do nothing but write a report. People never get punished for their actions.
I wonder sometimes where human decency is these days. Getting robbed brings so much anxiety over identity theft and just the loss of stolen items. I know the items can be replaced, no matter what the cost, but I can't help but feel violated and nervous about them accessing Mark's identity. Do the people robbing you actually know what this brings? Probably not, because if it happened to them, they would feel the same way.
Ah, so much for a happy "hump day"!