Thursday, January 13, 2011


I haven't posted in a while, and I blame it on Breckan! Hehe. But in all seriousness, my life has become an overwhelming mess. The chaos is worth it, because I have the most beautiful baby boy alive but ever since I started back working, I have struggled to balance my social life, marriage, baby, job and housework. Something gives almost every week, but it seems to be more of the housework that is not getting done. How do Momma's do it?! I guess I am living proof.

Breckan is still waking up during the night, and I am starting to think he is overtired. All the sleep training information I have been reading seems to point to that. He seems to get sleepy at around 7, instead of 8 and I try to push him to 8. My plan is to put him to bed a little earlier for a few days, and see if that will help him sleep through the night. The information I have been reading says that a baby sleeps longer if he is not overtired. Ironic, huh?

Here are a few shots of the little man. He certainly is a thriving baby. I love him to death! He just started laughing and FINALLY hit the rolling over milestone. I couldn't be happier! What a champ.

New years Eve with a baby is definitely different than any New Years we have had in the past. We had Mark's parent's over for dinner and we smoked pork and chicken in Mark's new smoker he got for Christmas. After putting Breckan to bed, we hung out with Mark's parents and Mark fell asleep on the couch at around 11! At that time his parents left and Mark and I were in bed by 11:30. When the fireworks were going off at 12:30, Breckan decided to wake up and have a party in his crib to celebrate! I ended up feeding him and putting him back to bed at around 1.


m.masters said...

You're doing great lady, he looks like such a happy and healthy little guy! It will get easier! Miss you!

Chrissy said...

Awee Thank you Mo!! Love you and miss you too. I can't wait until Breckan fits into his cute onesies you got him!